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Two WWI Centenary booklets by Dail Whiting The booklets record both family background and service details of all those commemorated on the church and school 1914-18 War Memorials. A regimental or naval badge is included with each entry. Click here for more information and where to buy.
Two comprehensive publications by Christine Byron: ‘Lest We Forget, Wateringbury in World War II’ is a collection of memories, letters and aspects of village life during the second world war. ‘Church of St John the Baptist, Wateringbury, Kent. Guide Book’ Packed with interesting information. Both of the above publications are available to buy at the church.
You may also be interested in two books compiled by John Gilham: ‘Wateringbury Remembered, A Book of the Blog’ ‘A Postcard from Wateringbury’ These will be of great interest to those who live, or formally lived, in the village of Wateringbury. Both books can be purchased through John’s website Wateringbury Remembered